

Without sponsors, the Schmid Lab would not be able to do the work that it is currently doing. The members of the Schmid Lab would like to thank:


Western University

University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada

Canada Foundation of Innovation

Canada Foundation for Innovation
Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation

Ontario Brain Institute

Ontario Brain Institute
Institut ontarien du cerveau

Jonathan and Joshua Memorial Fund

Jonathan and Joshua Memorial Fund

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Ministère du Développement économique, de la Création d'emplois et du Commerce

Children's Health Research Institute

Children's Health Research Institute (Lawson Research)


Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG)

Canadian Institute of Health Research

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)

Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative

Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)